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Birth Control Pills for Period Regulation: Facts You Need to Know

Violation of the menstrual schedule directly depends on the intake of hormones. And the dosage form of a contraceptive here is of no importance. These can be oral contraceptives (OC), hormonal rings, patches, implants, or injections. In all cases, synthetic analogs of progesterone and estrogen are used, which affect the female body.

Birth Control for Period Regulation

Birth control pills and their effect on the period

Taking of OC inevitably affects the menstrual cycle of a woman. Once a woman started using OC, menstruation is controlled by synthetic hormones contained in the drug to protect against unwanted pregnancy, and this, in turn, causes a certain imbalance in the physiological activity of the genital organs. There appears acyclic dauber before menstruation, after it and during the period.

Taking contraceptives for period cramps

You can treat painful periods with hormonal contraceptives: traditional birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants with a hormone. Hormonal tablets are sold in each pharmacy and are dispensed without a prescription. However, this does not mean that you can choose them on the advice of your girlfriends or your favorite package. Each drug has its own type of hormone and dosage, it has a specific effect on the body and, accordingly, additional benefits. In addition to getting rid of troubled monthly hormone pills are often prescribed in order to improve the condition of the skin, hair, general well-being.

Can you take birth control pills just before period?

Usually, in order to maintain the physiological hormonal background, the use of the drug begins on the 1st or 2nd day of menstruation. In the event that you started using pills earlier, personal consultation with the treating gynecologist is necessary to correct the treatment regimen.

When does a period start after taking pills?

Under scheme 21/7, the period starts during the seven-day break, usually 2-3 days after the last tablet. With a 28-day intake of the tablets, bleeding will begin at the time of taking the tablets-placebo, i.e. tablets that do not contain hormones.

If a period was irregular before taking OC, then in the first months it will remain so. In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist so that he can choose a drug that will balance the insufficient or excessive production of a specific hormone while preventing the onset of an unwanted pregnancy.

How to make late period?

Many women wonder how to make your period last longer. If a woman uses androgen-containing drugs as a contraceptive, then, in this case, the procedure should be extended for several days. All this time and 3 days later, menstruation will not come
Such ways of delaying menstruation can be used no more than twice a year. It is advisable not to prolong a period for more than a week, as it can provoke dyshormonal disorders in your body.

No period after taking birth control pills

Lack of a period after taking hormonal contraceptives may be caused by several factors:

1. Missed and untimely intake of tablets. It is advisable to take the drug at the same time every day. If you are late for more than 10-12 hours, the effectiveness of contraception is sharply reduced. If you missed taking the pill, then follow the instructions for use. If necessary, use barrier methods of contraception.
2. Taking some medications, including those based on herbs, which reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. These include antibiotics and St. John’s wort. Taking this or that drug together with a hormonal contraceptive is possible only if necessary, and not “for prophylaxis”.
3. Fake, spoiled tablets. We recommend buying drugs only in pharmacies and keep them at home.

Bleeding week before period

30% of women have spotting before period a week before menstruation when taking oral contraceptives for 3 months. Women may think that their period came early. Sometimes such a negative phenomenon can be observed even longer (up to six months). Most often, this effect occurs during the use of low-dose birth control pills, which contain about 20 micrograms of estrogen. Sometimes such a small amount is not enough to achieve a normal menstrual cycle.

In such women, the endometrium begins to be rejected much earlier than the due date. Despite this, the effectiveness of these drugs is not reduced. A woman is unable to become pregnant if she has this symptom. She should not stop taking contraceptives, even if the “spotting” does not end. At this time, you should only follow the rules of personal hygiene.

If the menstruation started during intake of birth control pills, and the permissible 3-month period has already passed, you’d better think about changing the drug, especially in you have intensive bleeding. In any case, choose another contraceptive with the help of a doctor who is able to adequately assess the current situation.

If intermenstrual bleeding is observed at the beginning of the package of birth control pills, this indicates that they contain an insufficient amount of estrogen. You should choose a drug with a higher dose of this hormone. When bleeding occurs at the end of the package, this signals a failure of the gestagen component. Therefore, you need to choose an oral contraceptive with another type of synthetic progesterone.

Sometimes the presence of intermenstrual bleeding can be caused by completely different causes:

  • skipping a few tablets in a row, which leads to a menstrual reaction;
  • smoking, which suppresses the production of estrogen;
  • some drugs that are incompatible with oral contraceptives;
  • infectious or other diseases of the reproductive system.

Periods after withdrawal of oral contraceptives

Many women significantly increase the chance of becoming pregnant after withdrawal of contraceptives. This is called the rebound effect when the ovaries work in a more intensive mode than usual. That is why oral contraceptives are prescribed for several months for women who want to become pregnant.

Sometimes there is an opposite phenomenon – hypertrophy of the ovaries. At this time, reproductive function is not provided, ovulation and menstrual absent. This condition is not permanent, and it stops within 3 months. In most women, the period and the reproductive function are fully renewed for 1 year after taking the contraceptive.

If within a year after the withdrawal of contraceptives you cannot pregnant, you should consult your doctor.

Can you start taking birth control pills during a period?

You can not start taking hormonal contraceptives in the middle or any day of the period. This can break the natural hormonal background. As a consequence, a woman may get hormone-dependent diseases. It’s not worth the risk! Before taking pills in this period, use barrier methods. Choose pills with the help of a doctor who will assess the contraindications for this or that drug. Self-selection is also fraught with adverse consequences.
