There is no clear interaction of birth control pills and alcohol.
The fact that the pill contains estrogen and gestagen, which area part of a hormone replacement therapy. That is when taking such pills in the body of a woman gets a certain dose of a female hormone, which inhibits the process of ovulation. As a result, the egg does not obtain the required for fertilization properties, and it means that fertilization is impossible. It is on this principle that all hormonal contraceptives work.
In turn, ethanol, entering the body with alcohol, does not interact with hormone-containing drugs. So, it does not represent a real threat in the form of a negative reaction to the woman’s body. Alcohol only influences the liver and metabolic processes, which is a nuance when taking contraceptives.
Recommendations for the Administration of Hormonal Contraceptives
So, the scientists and physicians of world medicine have proved that there is no direct relationship between intake of birth control pills and alcohol. But it is also proved that alcohol forces the liver to work faster, neutralizing and removing alcohol from the body. So, the metabolic processes will happen under the influence of alcoholic beverages faster. As a result, the liver along with alcohol will remove the dose of the hormone taken from the body as well.
As a result, the concentration of the drug in the body will not reach the desired level, which will reduce the entire contraceptive effect to zero. This phenomenon is especially dangerous for those women who abuse alcohol and like to drink not only a lot but often. And in order to reduce the risk of such a side effect from drinking alcohol and taking birth control pills at the same time, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:
- between taking birth control pills and alcohol least 3 hours should pass. Only in this case the drug will absorb in the blood well enriching it with the required dose of the hormone. It is worth knowing that hormonal contraceptives are taken on a certain schedule at the same time. If the party is scheduled for the time when you need to take a pill, then it is better to shift the time of its reception to an earlier time.
- for the period when you start taking contraceptives, you need to give up alcohol during a month. This time will be enough to the concentration of the hormone in the body of a woman has reached the norm.
Allowable Doses of Alcohol at the Admission of Hormonal Contraceptives
It is worth noting that the World Health Organization (WHO) has deduced the optimal doses of alcohol that a woman can use when taking birth control pills. A low-quality alcohol is not taken into account because it gives a strong load to the patient’s liver, and it reduces the contraceptive effect.
So, the intake of alcohol for women when taking of birth control simultaneously is acceptable in such volumes:
- wine or champagne – 200 ml (1 glass);
- vodka or whiskey – 50 ml;
- beer – 300-400 ml.
In terms of pure ethanol, this is approximately 20 mg/day. It should also be noted that for women who take oral contraceptives, the best option is dry red wine or champagne in the amount not exceeding the above. Drinking alcohol in such doses cannot be more than 2 times a week. If you are wondering whether it is possible to take large doses of alcohol, then the answer will be unambiguous – no.
Birth Control Pill Alcohol Side Effects
If there are no toxic reactions during simultaneous intake of alcohol and birth control pills, this does not mean you should combine these two substances. The effect of pills can be reduced for the following reasons:
- the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver, which forces it to work faster. Thus, not only acetaldehyde (the product of ethanol breakdown) is released through the kidneys and liver, but also all previously taken medicines. As a result, the action of the tablets is reduced.
- with heavy and constant use of alcohol immediately after taking the pill vomiting and nausea may appear. As a result, all excess alcoholic drinks will be deprived of the organism together with a pill taken. Here it is worth remembering that vomiting is allowed no earlier than 4 hours or more after taking the pill. If the gag reflex happened earlier after taking the drug, then, most likely, the tablet did not reach the goal.