ContraGel is the safe, effective and healthy contraceptive gel. This is a sperm barrier that works as a spermicide without the harmful side effects! It is a vegan alternative to spermicide. It is the ideal gel for your diaphragms or cervical cap.
Indications for use
ContraGel Green is recommended for women of reproductive age, especially:
- if there are contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives or intrauterine contraception;
- in the postpartum period, during breastfeeding;
- after abortion;
- in case of premenopause;
- in case of irregular sexual intercourse.
The product is not intended for use in children.
Mechanism of action
ContraGel Green does not contain hormones. It only contains Water, Lactic Acid, Sodium Lactate, Cellulose, Sorbic Acid.
The gel forms an additional mechanical barrier in front of the cervix. It also lowers the vaginal pH value. The increased acidity and the viscosity of the product prevent the motility of spermatozoa.
The product does not affect libido and fertility.
Dosage and mode of application
This is not a standalone birth control method: you should always use this gel in combi-nation with a barrier birth control method such as a diaphragm, cervical cap or a con-dom.
Before inserting the diaphragm or the cervical cap into your vagina, place about one teaspoon of the gel into the diaphragm or cervical cap. Please also read the instructions of your diaphragm or cervical cap.
No cases of overdose have been reported.
Side effects
Since this product contains no synthetic or artificial ingredients and is completely chemical free, it does not cause harmful side effects. In very rare cases, women reported temporary allergic reactions, irritation, tingling, itching and burning in the vagina and / or partner’s penis. If you have the mentioned side effects, stop using the contraceptive gel.
Do not use ContraGel Green if you are hypersensitive to the components of the product, or have vaginitis, ulceration or irritation of the vaginal mucosa and cervix.
The simultaneous use of this gel and other intravaginal agents is not recommended.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
This product is a contraceptive and should not be used during pregnancy. If pregnancy still occurs, the gel will not affect it.
Penetration into breast milk may occur in extremely small quantities without any known negative conse-quences. ContraGel can be used during breastfeeding.
The gel used without a diaphragm or cervical cap provides no contraception.
When the gel is introduced into your vagina, you cannot take baths and swim in the sea, pool and ponds in order to avoid a decrease in its contraceptive effect.
If treatment with vaginal preparations is required, the use of the contraceptive gel should be temporarily discontinued.
This method of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted infections or human immunodeficiency virus. There is only one method of barrier contraception preventing these diseases – a condom.
The product has no effect on the ability to drive vehicles or other mechanisms.
ContraGel is an effective method of preventing pregnancy provided that it is used correctly. However, local contraception is always less effective than hormonal contraception, intrauterine contraceptives, or a condom.
Do not use the expired gel. The expiration date is printed on the package.